Monday 01.16.12
Good day, Warriors! Below is a pic of brewmasters Jacob and Steve Garvin with their Warrior hops. This batch will be ready just in time for the start of the Paleo Challenge, during which no alcohol can be consumed. Yeah, you read that right. 30 days of no alcohol, but it may be worth it for the prizes we have in store. Are you strong enough? We think you are and we'll be going through it with you.
Today is another CrossFit Games WOD from the 2011 edition of the Games. We know you've got victory in the bag. For the ground-to-overhead movement, you can use whatever means necessary to move the barbell from the floor to over your head (e.g., full snatch, clean & jerk, clean & press). Feel free to mix it up as you work your way through the ladder of reps. Whatever you do, focus on rooting your weight through your heels and on keeping those abdominal muscles tightly engaged. Everything we do in the box is an ab workout, even when you think it isn't, so let's get crunching!
Skill: kipping pullup or muscle-up progression
Then, for time:
100 box jumps (24"/20")
1->10 toes to bar
10->1 ground-to-overhead (90/55)
100 box jumps
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