Friday 02.10.12
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Pyramid of World Class Fitness |
- Eat meat, vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise, but not body fat.
- Practice and train major lifts: deadlift, clean, squat, presses, clean & jerk, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pullups, dips, rope climb, pushups, situps, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc., hard and fast.
- Five or six days a week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense.
- Regularly learn and play new sports.
If you're coming to WCFM, then you're already well on your way to world class fitness! Whether you are participating in our crazy caveman Paleo Challenge or not, we hope you're looking at the foundation of all that world class fitness: NUTRITION. Food is our bodies' fuel and our health depends on the premium blends. Maximize the benefits of all the hard work you put into your WODs by treating yourself right outside of the box. Small choices made on a daily basis add up to big changes over the long run. Whether it's cutting down on the number of sodas you drink per day, the number of processed foods you purchase, the number of cigarettes you smoke, or the number of times you eat pizza in a week, making a conscious effort will reap big rewards - like running faster because you feel less sluggish, or lifting more because your bodies getting nutrients in their most complete for. Many of you are well on your way nutritionally, and the Challenge is just a good exercise in resetting good habits. For others, this whole Challenge might just get you thinking about food in a new way. Either way, we hope you are learning throughout this month as well as enjoying the challenge.
Today's WOD focuses on intensity with sprints and squat cleans. Get somewhat heavy with the weight and really SHRUG those shoulders to move the bar upward. The arms are the last thing to bend in the chain of the movement. With the clean, we start with our best set-up position, which has our butt down, our chest up, and back flat. If your shoulders are rounded at the set-up, then you'll be yanking the bar off the ground with your arms (BAD) instead of driving the bar off the ground with your legs and hips (BEST). To make sure that back is flat, move those shoulder blades together and sit up tall with a big chest. With a big heave ho of the back of the legs, drive the bar upward then EXPLODE with the hips, shrug the shoulders up, then whip the elbows around to catch the bar in a full squat. Check out more tips on the squat clean here.
Skill: Doubleunder
4 Rounds
You have 4 minutes in each round to complete the following:
Run/Row 400 min
Complete as many reps as possible of a squat clean (135#/95#)
You will have 1 minute of rest between rounds
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