
Friday 06.08.12

Emily jumpin high
Saturday's 8 AM class is cancelled tomorrow.

Pedometer Challenge:
Number of days you hit 10,000 steps due by voice, email, or text 
at or before 11:59 PM tomorrow night.
The Big 24 returns today. I love this untimed workout because, well, it is untimed. As it is not timed, I can really focus on what it is that I am doing. This is especially helpful when lifting heavy things. Choose one aspect of each lift on which to focus. Maybe today it's getting your set up position just right - flat back, shoulder blades pulled together, core engaged - or maybe it's getting low in your squat during each snatch, OHS, and squat clean. Whatever it is, make it your goal to perfect that one aspect of your lift. You'll be seeing The Big 24 again in one week, and that will be another chance to work on yet another aspect of your lift.

Body awareness, which is what we work on when we work on lift technique, serves not only your squat clean, press, or snatch, it serves you in every day life. Knowing where and how our bodies move through space makes us more balanced, coordinated, and less likely to bump our funny bone, trip, or otherwise get dinged up over the course of a day. So let's get to know our bodies and lift heavy things. It's fun!!

"The Big 24"
8 Rounds of 3 hang snatch + OHS (95/65)
8 Rounds of 3 power clean + push press (135/95)
8 Rounds of 3 squat cleans (135/95)


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