Tuesday 06.19.12
Jacob is home early. No more class cancellations. All classes will resume as scheduled until further notice. The solo cyclist for which Jacob was supposed to serve as support crew had to drop out of the Race Across America. As Paul climbed through the Rockies, his body was less and less cooperative making the likelihood that he would make his time checks less and less likely.
Our 10,000 steps per day challenge continues. Here are Pedometer Week 2 Results (Total of Weeks 1 + 2):
1. Cindy K - 15 days
1. Jean - 15 days
2. Rachel - 12 days
3. Stacey - 11 days
4. Monica - 6 days
In celebration of Doug's Silver-Haired 60th Birthday, we have a special treat in today's WOD. It's a grinder, so buckle up, settle in, and just keep....chippin' away!
"Silver-Haired 60"
60 reps of each of the following:
Box Jumps
Jumping Pull Ups
KB Swings (53/35)
Walking Lunges
Push Press (65/45)
Supermans (2 sec hold)
Wall Balls
woweeeeeeee! I think I'll do the silver haired 60 twice today. : )
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