
Friday 07.27.12

It's a nice break from the heat, y'all.

This week:
Classes at 5:30 AM, 12:00 PM, and 5:30 PM ONLY!
Our 30-Day Paleo Challenge begins next Wednesday, August 1!
It's the last day of Bodyweight Week with Danelle and we hope it's been a fun interlude for you! Be sure to thank Danelle for running the show while we've been away. We'll be happy to be home and see you all again soon. Keep your eyes peeled on this blog, on Facebook, and Twitter for an update on whether we are open tomorrow or not. It all depends on whether Jacob snags a standby flight home today.

Wall Walkups (chest to wall, and walk ALL. THE. WAY. OUT. off the wall)
Wall balls (20/14) (ass-to-grass on the squats and hit the 10-ft target, boy or girl)
Burpees (chest to ground)
Box jumps (24"/20")


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