Friday 08.17.12
My parents enjoying the Cali sun. |
Happy 38th Wedding Anniversary to Mama & Papa Heberling!
Still as giddy as newlyweds after all these years :)
Ah, ye old barbell complex. Two simple words that do NOT tell the whole story. We've been hounding that complex for nearly two weeks during our warmups, so now it's time to test your efficiency. You've got 2 minutes to complete one complex. Hopefully you're so efficient at it that: 1) you don't put down the bar at any point; and b) it only takes you a minute-30, so you have some rest time in there. Otherwise, get ready for one long, unending merry-go-round of the following:
6 deadlift (Full extension at the top!)
6 bent over row (Push that butt out!)
6 hang clean (FAST ELBOWS!)
6 front squat (GET LOW!)
6 push press (LOCK OUT!)
6 back squat (GET LOW!)
6 push ups (Touch your chest to the ground!! And have some fun!!)
1 RM Overhead Press
5 Rounds
3 Overhead Press (increase weight each round)
Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes:
1 barbell complex (95/65)
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