Tuesday 10.02.12
October's WOM: Beth "Burpee Queen" Dessner |
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Welcome to Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Warriors. Let me tell you little something about why this month is so important to me and why I'll be doing "Helen Meets Grace." First, my favorite grandma (yes, I totally had a favorite grandma) was a breast cancer survivor. She was an awesome lady. Her laughter was infectious because it always reached her eyes and her patience seemed utterly unending, even when her grandkids ran amok in the local Pizza Hut after bowling.Second, my very dear friend is a breast cancer survivor. I had the unique honor (?) of shaving her head during her chemo treatments. I may have told her that the razor shaking was from the vibrations of the tool; however, the sad truth is it was a nerve-wracking and emotional experience for me (and I didn't even have cancer). My hands were shaking the entire time. My friend personified grace under extreme pressure and I learned so much from watching her go through her diagnosis, treatment, reconstruction, and recovery.
Last, and most obvious, I am a woman and as time moves ever onward, whatever chances I have at getting diagnosed increase with age. [Breast cancer incidence and death rates generally increase with age. Ninety-five percent of new cases and 97% of breast cancer deaths occurred in women 40 years of age and older. (American Cancer Society 2012)] Women are not alone, however, as men too can be diagnosed with breast cancer. Although breast cancer in men is a rare disease (accounting for approximately 1% of breast cancer cases in the US), during 1975-2008 the incidence rate increased 0.8% annually (American Cancer Society 2012).
As always, my health is my greatest asset and my greatest responsibility. It is up to me to know whether I am contributing to and protecting my health. Therefore, over the course of October, I'll be throwing some 411 at you to help you know the early signs of breast cancer so you can help protect your health!
1 RM clean and jerk
5 Rounds
3 clean and jerk (increase weight each round)
5 Rounds
Run/Row 250 m
5 Craig Specials (135/95)*
10 dips
*1 Craig Special = 1 Hang SQUAT Clean + front squat (squat clean, stand up, squat again)
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