
Wednesday 10.03.12

Dip machines Scott B and October WOM, Beth
Remember to order your sweatshirt and sign up for "Helen Meets Grace"!
We still need 4 more volleyball players for Tuesday evenings.
Ask Coach Sarah for details.
Meet October Warrior of the Month:

Why did you start CrossFitting? Peer pressure from Ashley Schmieg...and I was in desperate need of cross-training.

Favorite workout/exercise? Any bodyweight exercise.

Least favorite? Overhead squat...Ain't nobody got time for that.

What is your athletic background? High school track, softball, and basketball. I began jogging in college to keep off the Freshman 15 and I have been running and doing triathlons for over 30 years. I have always been an average athlete...never great at anything until now. Who knew that I could burpee so well?

What are your goals within the next year inside or outside of the gym? Run probably my last marathon ever in Arizona in February and delay my total knee replacement for one more year!

What is your advice for people just beginning CrossFit? NO EXCUSES! CrossFit can be modified so that ALL can enjoy its benefits!

Strength: 1 RM Deadlift
2 Rounds
Run/Row 1000m*
50 thrusters (45#)
30 pullups

*every 250 m complete 2 deadlift @ 80% 1 RM


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