
Tuesday 10.30.12

CrossFitters tired? NO WAY.
Pick up your sweatshirts, y'all.
First volleyball practice game:
Thursday, Nov. 8th
6:45 PM @ Central Middle School
Some of you may have noticed the link I posted on Facebook to a blog post on the New York Times website. The post's heading is: "Why Women Can't Do Pullups." Two things about this post got people fired up: (1) the post heading, which loads the reader with all sorts of assumptions before even starting, and (2) the study described in the post involved researcher "training" women over the course of the month with a program that included no actual pullups (assisted or otherwise). Fortunately, there is plenty of proof out there, especially in the CrossFit world, that women (and men) of all heights and limb lengths can do pullups of all varieties.

The take-away message from this situation: you will never be able to do pullups if (a) you tell yourself you can't do them, and (b) if you never attempt ACTUAL pullups. It's like learning to ride without training wheels - if you never try riding without them, you'll never be able to ride without them. So, tell yourself its all possible today, Warriors, especially if you keep trying.

Warm Up:
2 minutes doubleunders
2 barbell complexes
Two 12-min EMOTMs:
(1) 3 HSPUs and 3 situps
(2) 6 wallballs, 6 burpees


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