
Friday 02.01.13

Kelli's game face

How excited are you to know you're eating clean and on your way to feeling GREAT? Honestly, I am ready. With the first trimester of my pregnancy out of the way, vegetables FINALLY look and taste appetizing again and I am ready to get off the crap wagon. Jacob totally called me out on my own bullshit last week as I tried to claim that pregnancy would make it too hard to commit to Paleo 100%. He's right. If I can refrain from a whole host of foods (e.g., sushi, alcohol, deli meats, soft cheeses) because they are "not good for the baby", then I cannot claim that staying away from a whole host of foods because they are NOT GOOD FOR ME is any harder because of the pregnancy. See, even I come up with some serious bullshit for not wanting to do stuff that's good for me.

With that, we hope you called yourself out on your own bullshit and you're ready to start. Think of this not as a diet, but as a training challenge for better health habits. It's kind of like doing doubleunders every day for 30 days to get better at doubleunders. We're practicing good eating habits for 30 days to get better at eating well!

A few administrative details:
  • The rules, whats, and wherefores of the challenge are available on our Paleo Challenge webpage. Print it out and put it on your fridge! 
  • SCORESHEETS: Download/copy/print the electronic version or grab a hard copy at the gym. Be sure to put those scoresheet due dates into your calendar (and set some reminders). Late scoresheets will not be accepted. If you downloaded/copied the electronic version, just email it to us. If you did not download/copy an electronic version of the scoresheet and you aren't going to drop a hard copy off in person, you can take a picture of your filled in scoresheet with your phone and text it (563-272-1433) or email it to us. BE SURE YOUR NAME IS CLEARLY VISIBLE or include your name in the subject line/text message.
  • RECIPE SUBMISSION: You only have to post a recipe submission in one place. Choose to post it EITHER (1) in the comments section of the Paleo Challenge webpage; OR (2) on our Paleo Challenge Facebook event page. Please, no copy-and-paste repeats from previous challenges.
    • We already talked about recipe sharing above.
    • Host a Paleo Party for your fellow Warriors. This is a great opportunity for potluck and recipe swapping, sharing tips and tricks of Paleo eating, and for meeting up with fellow Warriors outside of the box!
    • Read a Paleo book and write a brief report on what you learned. We'll post your report on the blog.
    • Gas Station Paleo: You're cobbling together a Paleo meal using only food found in a gas station convenience store and we need proof of labels (sugar is sneaky)! Therefore, take photos of the labels or save the labels so Jacob or I can appropriately judge your success. Even better if the food doesn't need a label!
    • If you select a CrossFit skill that you would like to defeat, please let Jacob or me know which one before you start. This way, we can track progress together and appropriately judge success!
It's Friday, so let's do:
20 consecutive front squats @ 60% 1 RM 
(+ 5lbs if the last attempt was successful)
6 --> 1*
SBGUs (80/60)
KB swings (53/35)
weighted stepups
*35 minute cap


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