Friday 03.08.13
Shannon swings her toes to bar |
Friday, March 8th
This year we have three Warriors registered for the CrossFit Games Open: Ryan, Kyle, and Doug. We're validating their workouts this Saturday. Be sure to cheer them on if you're in the box this weekend!Saturday is also the FUN and free Thunderstruck 10-Miler at Loud Thunder Forest Preserve. The action begins at 9 AM and more details can be found here.
Today THE BIG 24 returns. We'll be doing this UNTIMED WOD on Fridays for the next few weeks as part of a strength cycle. We love this workout because it is all about honing technique and getting comfortable with a heavy barbell. It's also a great time to work on mobility issues between rounds. Roll out, use a lacrosse ball, or use a band to stretch out and mash out your crunchy tissues that are hindering your range of motion, particularly on squat cleans (ahem, front rack position) and on overhead squats (ahem, tight ankles, hips, and shoulders). Don't worry, even without being timed it's a great workout, too.
"The Big 24"
8 Rounds: 3 reps hang snatch + OHS (95/65)
8 Rounds: 3 reps power clean + push press (135/95)
8 Rounds: 3 reps squat clean (135/95)
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