Saturday 12.21.13
Amy and her Turkish getup (I'm not talking about her outfit) |
Hopefully, our Warriors' performances at this weekend's competition inspire you to sign up for the QCCF Garage Games competition on Saturday, January 11th. There are several divisions making it easy for everyone to participate. Coach Sarah is already registered and guess what the WOD Choices for this Saturday Funday will be? Yeah, you know it!
Last, our Christmas AND NYE Weeks WOD Schedules are REVISED as follows:
Tuesday - Christmas Eve 12/24 - TWO WODS ONLY - 11 AM & 12 PM
Wednesday - Christmas Day 12/25 - CLOSED
Thursday - 12/26 - OPEN GYM 8 AM to 12 PM *AND* 4:30 PM
Friday - 12/27 - OPEN GYM 8 AM to 12 PM *AND* 4:30 PM
Saturday - 12/28 - Regular Saturday OPEN GYM 8 AM to 12 PM
Monday - 12/30 - OPEN GYM 8 AM to 12 PM *AND* 4:30 PM
Tuesday - 12/31 - OPEN GYM 8 AM to 12 PM *AND* 11 PM Surprise WOD
Wednesday - New Year's Day 01/01 - CLOSED
Tuesday - 01/02 - REGULAR WOD SCHEDULE
Please bookmark our Google Calendar, which is updated regularly.
Wednesday - Christmas Day 12/25 - CLOSED
Thursday - 12/26 - OPEN GYM 8 AM to 12 PM *AND* 4:30 PM
Friday - 12/27 - OPEN GYM 8 AM to 12 PM *AND* 4:30 PM
Saturday - 12/28 - Regular Saturday OPEN GYM 8 AM to 12 PM
Monday - 12/30 - OPEN GYM 8 AM to 12 PM *AND* 4:30 PM
Tuesday - 12/31 - OPEN GYM 8 AM to 12 PM *AND* 11 PM Surprise WOD
Wednesday - New Year's Day 01/01 - CLOSED
Tuesday - 01/02 - REGULAR WOD SCHEDULE
Please bookmark our Google Calendar, which is updated regularly.
WOD Choices
“Helena” 12:00 min Time Cap
3 Rounds
21 KB Swings (Men: 53, Women: 35)
12 pullups
100 doubleunders
2 Rounds
21 KBswings (Men: 53, Women: 35)
12 jumping pull ups
200 Single jump rope.
1 Round
21 KB Swings (Men: 53, Women: 35)
12 jumping pull ups
100 Squats.
SCORE = time in minutes and seconds to complete
KB swings – through the crotch to above the head and showing ears with extended arms
Pullups – arms fully extended at the bottom to chin over the bar.
For Jumping pull ups the box chosen must be short enough so that your head is at least 6 inches below the bar when standing.
Squats – open hips at the top to hip crease at or below knees at the bottom
“Karena” 5:00 min time cap
Complete 60 situps as a “buy in” then wallballs till the clock runs out.
Competitor chooses ball weight.
Throw to the normal marks (Men: 10 feet / Women: 8 feet).
There is no difference between RX, Scaled, and Beginner.
SCORE = wallball reps x ball weight
If competitor did not get to wallballs, then the score is ZERO
Any ball weight is allowed, you can not change once you start
Sit ups – abmats are fine. elbows touch knees with feet/heels on the ground (do not lift knees to meet elbows) to shoulders and hands touching floor/abmat. Up and down full ROM. No anchor or pinning of the feet. No grabbing your thigh.
Wall Ball – crease of hips below knees to ball at touches at or above the target height.
“Grace”: 6 min cut off (time equals 6:00 if incomplete)
30 clean (muscle, power, squat) and jerk/press/pushpress (a.k.a., ground to overhead with a stop at the shoulders). Not a snatch, must be 2 movements.
RX men = 135#, women = 95#
Scaled men = 95#, women = 65#
Beginner men = 65#, women = 45#
Ground to Shoulders – anyhow you want as long its touching the floor and stops at your shoulders
Shoulders to Overhead – anyhow you want as long as you end with body (knees, hips, shoulders, arms) locked out and return the bar to the floor for the next rep.
if a beginner is doing a naked bar then simply going below the knees is fine.
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