Wednesday 02.05.14
The Pink Monkey in the middle of The Bear Complex |
You can earn it back and have your beer at the end of the 30 days!
Ladies Nite at the 6:30 PM WOD.
Let's kick off Molly's 40th year the right way.
Meet at the gym at 8 AM if you're going silo ice climbing with Lisa O.
Coach Sarah will be running informal mini clinics on kipping throughout open gym.
Meet our Warrior of the Month. Read Jacob's Coach's Corner. See upcoming events.
Ah, the seemingly lowly pushup. 'Tis one of my LEAST favorite movements because it is so difficult to do correctly!Y'all KNOW what I am talking about. The pushup is the movement that we all cheat on the most. We don't get full depth or we don't extend our arms all the way at the top. We let our middles sag and touch the ground instead of staying tight, tight, tight and letting our chests and chins reach the ground. We hang our heads low and feel that if our nose is touching the ground, we've certainly gone low enough. Sorry, kids, but all of these are WRONG.
"BUT I CAN'T!" Ugh. Save it. You're preaching to the choir. I HATE PUSHUPS and I've been where you are right now - on your knees or pushing off your thighs to worm your way off the floor - so don't give me this "I can't" biznass. It's sad. It's lame. And it's a cop out for wanting it to be easier for you to fly through the WOD faster because it sucks so bad.
If you "CAN'T" do a full, proper pushup, then this is the WOD to PRACTICE getting better. Start with the most difficult modification for your skill level and as your form and energy begin waning throughout the WOD, modify the movement further. FOR EXAMPLE: Let's say you know you have at least one great full pushup in you. Each round of the WOD, you're going to do AT LEAST one great full pushup, then you'll modify your pushups to doing the rest of the reps on your knees. HOWEVER, those better be the best effing knee pushups I've ever seen - your butt is DOWN and you don't look like you're on all fours trying to touch your mouth to the ground. As those get harder, perhaps you modify further by using a box or the wall for your hands. Practice makes permanent, so make sure you're practicing good mechanics.
In the end, you're only as fit as your shittiest movement. Remember that and chase your weaknesses.
5 Rounds
5 Deadlift @ 75% 1 RM
50 wall balls (20/14; 10' target)
50 pushups (CHEST TO GROUND)
5 muscle-ups*
40 wall balls
40 pushups
4 muscle-ups
30 wall balls
30 pushups
3 muscle-ups
20 wall balls
20 pushups
2 muscle-ups
10 wall balls
10 pushups
1 muscle-up
*Substitute 3 chest-to-bar pullups for every muscle-up
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