Monday 03.17.14
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Male Division Podium Finishers: First Place (Center) Andreas Janzen & Dylan Martin; Second Place (left) Matt Hirn & Eric Chapman; Third Place (right) Blake Wuorenma & Levi Moser |
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Masters Division Podium Finishers: First Place (right) Doug Dawson & Tim Garvin; Second Place (left) Chris & Melanie Moore |
The Lowdown on the Throwdown
What a fantastic weekend! Thank you again to all of our volunteers and judges that made this event happen. Thank you to Sara Stumpff for photographing all the action and our podium finishers.
WOD 1:
3 min AMRAP stations with no rest between stations
(max rope climbs, max chest to bar pullups, and max shoulder to overheads at 135/85).
On the lizzadies side, Cindy Sparkle and Becca Zahradnik glided through the CTB, rope climbs, and shoulder to overhead, ending with 125 reps total and taking first place. Cindy Klebe and Kelli Kirchner came in second place with 114 reps, which put them in a solid position coming out of the first WOD. Several athletes took home their first chest-to-bar pullups -- something to build upon for next time -- as CTB has become the CrossFit standard.
On the Men's side, Cedar Rapids' finest, Dylan Martin and Andy Janzen, both top 150 in the region for the CrossFit Open, took home first place with an astounding 237 reps. WCFM's Josh Eiben and Ryan Wilson took third with 186 reps.
13 min AMRAP
400 m sandbag run (80/60)
21 box jumps
*The sandbag cannot touch the ground at any time (someone must be holding it throughout). 20 burpee penalty for both athletes if the bag hits the ground.
*Each 100 m counts as a rep.
It was cold outside, but nothing like an 80/60 lb joyride to stay warm. Three teams succumbed to the burpee penalty, which hurt just watching! Cindy and Becca edged out Kate Klingborg and Rachel Reifert for first place by 100 meters (101 reps to 100 reps, respectively). Kelli and Cindy again coming up strong to place third with 86 reps.
For the men, the folks from Hastings, Minnesota, took first place (Matt Hirn/Eric Chapman). Cedar Rapids' Dylan and Andy Janzen placed second, and our very own high school phenom Jacob Schmelzer and partner Kori Phillips came in third. The silver lining for all the dudes was no one succumbed to the burpee penalty on the cold, hard pavement.
WOD 3:
Sally Up, Sally Down Back Squats (135/95)
*Score was average length of time partners stayed in the game.
On to the most entertaining event to watch: Sally Up, Sally Down back squats. The crowd erupted as Tracey Liu forged forward as the only female to finish the song! It was good enough to take first place along with her partner, Lindsay Cox, by 1 second over Molly Connor and Amy Streufert. The solid squat showing catapulted Lindsay and Tracey to the podium with an overall third place finish.
Heading into WOD 3 there was a 4-way tie for the top spot. Several teams and many individuals made it all the way through the song, making the competition very tight at the top. Congrats to Ed, Ryan, JT, and Nick for going the distance, with several others setting personal records.
Coming out of WOD 3, there was a tie for 1st between Matt Hirn/Eric Chapman and Dylan Martin/Andy Janzen. The tiebreaker was max doubleunders in 2 minutes. Andy broke only once during the 2 minutes, making 200+ DUs look like a walk in the park.
Masters Division Recap
Pops (a.k.a. Tim) and Doug (who is currently ranked in the top 30 in the world for 60+ division in the CrossFit Open), edged out Melanie and Chris Moore by one point overall. Melanie was able to Sally Up & Down her way through the entire song. Unfortunately, the tutu and kilt worn by Chris and Melanie created a little extra drag on the SB run.Congrats to all of the teams that participated and thank you to everyone that came out to watch the action. We have so much fun with this event each year and we hope you join again next year!! Final Standings are available online here.
St. Paddy's Day WOD
Wear your green today!
4 Rounds
400 m sprint
(Record slowest 400)
15 min for max weight
1 squat clean + 1 hang squat clean + 1 shoulder-to-overhead
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