
Saturday 05.03.14

Saturday Funday, where YOU choose the WOD!

WOD Choices
CF Open 13.3
12 Min AMRAP 
150 Wall balls (20/14) 
90 DUs
30 Muscle Ups
For time:
50 deadlifts (115/75)
50 walking lunges
40 back squats (115/75)
40 toes-to-bars
30 power cleans (115/75)
30 burpee box jumps (24"/20")
20 thrusters (115/75)
20 triple-unders
CF Games Regionals Individual Event #6
For time:
50-calorie row
50 box jump overs, 24 / 18 in.
50 deadlifts, 180 / 120 lb.
50 wall-ball shots, 20 / 14 lb.
50 ring dips
50 wall-ball shots, 20 / 14 lb.
50 deadlifts, 180 / 120 lb.
50 box jump overs, 24 / 18 in.
50-calorie row


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