The Fasse Family gets their glacier on, CF-style |
Apologies for the topsy turvy Monday schedule. Thank you Captain Tim for taking command of the noon WOD. The best laid plans went completely off the rails on Sunday evening when Coach Jacob and I missed our outbound train from Chicago. Big shout out to Jacob's sister, Jessica, who provided plush accommodations at the last minute. We had a great dinner out and made our train the next morning. We didn't go straight home, however; we ran into car trouble in Geneseo, IL. It's like Chicago just didn't want to let us go and fought our departure the whole way. Or maybe Muscatine didn't want us back? Either way, it was an adventure unlike any we've had in a while. Thank you for bearing with us.
Now on with the show...
8 Rounds
3 power clean + push press
"C & Jannie"
5 clean and jerks (135/95) to start each round
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