Monday 09.22.14
Chantelle. Or as we at 5:30 AM say, "Om Chante Chante." |
Our two relay teams are running the Quad City Marathon this coming weekend.
Come on out and grab a beer at the finish line with us!
We're inside of two weeks until our big Breast Cancer Awareness Month kick off event. If you are participating in the WODs for Barbells for Boobs, make sure you have your fundraising page set up. Don't worry, we'll continue taking donations throughout the month of October. If you plan on participating in the super secret, soon-to-be-announced CASH AWARD WOD, then you MUST have a fundraising page set up.And a little plug for why we support Barbells for Boobs: your donation has REAL impact. Your dollars fund a life-saving mammogram for someone who would otherwise not be able to afford it. You give someone priceless knowledge - whether or not they have cancer. Imagine living in limbo, not knowing whether your lump is cancerous or benign. That kind of fear is debilitating. Give someone the gift of life. To me that's more important that funding ambiguously-defined "research" or "awareness". Save a pair. Save a life.
Back to our regular WOD-ing (for now)
4 rounds
10 strict press-->push press-->push jerk
14 min AMRAP:
***You get the Rx ONLY if you do the muscle-ups and they MUST be done LAST***
30 wall balls
30 back rack lunges (95/65)
30 front rack lunges
30 burpees
30 muscle ups (or 60 chest-to-bar pullups)
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