Monday 02.02.15
In case you missed our Duel in the Snow between Taelor and Rick, here is a video recap.
Monthly CrossFit fees are due TODAY.
Our Beginner's On-Ramp Program starts it's next cycle TONIGHT!
$25 at the door gets you 3 WODs per week for the entire month under the expert tutelage of Kyle.
And now, for February's Warrior of the month!
Jason "Give me all the tens" Wester |
I wrestled through High School, which was a long time ago. More recently my primary focus was running and other cardio activities such as swimming and biking.
2. Why did you start CrossFit?
The main reason I started Crossfit was because as I was getting older I started to experience more injuries associated with having a weak core as well experiencing boredom with running the same routes on a daily basis.
3. Favorite exercise?
My favorite exercises are body weight movements such as Pull Ups, Push Ups, and Dips
4. Least favorite?
Anything Overhead that involves going into a squat
5. What do you want to listen to on Pandora when you WOD?
Green Day
6. Do you have any advice for newbies?
Check your ego at the door, no matter how strong or fit you may think you are there is always room for improvement. My biggest mistake/regret was taking four months to realize that everyone at the gym is there to help you get better, but you need to be willing to accept the feedback and work at it rather than blowing it off.
9 snatch complex--work up in weight
2 strict HSPUS between rounds
OHS 95/65
Bar facing burpees
2 strict HSPUS between rounds
OHS 95/65
Bar facing burpees
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