Monday 04.13.15
Get outta the hole, Molly! |
Today's WOD is the kind of WOD that really let's you practice the pieces of each lift you are trying to improve. For example, on your snatch you might work on your footwork or on dropping into your overhead squat (it NEVER hurts to practice a squat snatch). Or you might want to work on fast elbows on your clean. Or work on your squat clean. On your deadlift, you might work on keeping that back flat and your shoulders back.
Don't rush your lifts. Take time to get your set up, then focus on that one thing you would like to improve. Just one thing. Progress, y'all. Not perfection. And play smart. I would rather have y'all leave the gym knowing you could have done more weight, rather than leaving knowing you did too much.
Every min perform 1 lift and add 10 lb
Start empty barbell and snatch as long as possible
Once you can't snatch, clean as long as possible, once you can't clean DL as long as possible.
Start empty barbell and snatch as long as possible
Once you can't snatch, clean as long as possible, once you can't clean DL as long as possible.
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