
Tuesday 08.05.14

Jeff Tade
Have you read our August Newsletter?
Guest post from Coach Jacob:
Consider this blog post from 2011 before reading below.

WCFM Warrior Diane's brother, Jeff Tade, is a real life example of simplifying life, limiting choices, and taking ownership of his fitness. Jeff currently resides within the confines of the Federal Correction Institute in Pekin, Illinois, and says that his goal is to live as long as possible without medications, along with making it to the Crossfit Games as a Masters competitor once released. As you can see, Jeff is disciplined with his workout routine, and makes the best choices he can with limited dietary options. Although Jeff's choices are forced upon him to a certain degree, we can still learn something about simplifying life and reducing our choices to stuff we can actually control; real stuff that matters like longevity and quality of life. Steve Jobs did it with Apple. Diane and Jeff have done it. You can too.

5 Rounds
5 Back squats with a 2 second pause on bottom
3 box jumps (33"/27")
"Explore the Space" 
Every 30 secs for 15 mins: 
Width of room
3 burpee toes-to-bar


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