
Tuesday 01.06.15

Keepin' it classy.
2015 Pinup Calendars are still available for purchase!
New year. New calendar.
$10 each.
Please pay all CrossFit fees ASAP. The first of the month has passed.
Our January newsletter will be out tomorrow.
Our 7th semi-annual 30-Day Paleo Challenge starts February 1st.
Bone up on all the details here and here.
Those that enter into the Challenge prepared with a meal plan and an appropriately-stocked FRIDGE generally win the race. Read up. Clean out the pantries. And stock up. You're about to get lean.

8 Rounds
3 weighted pullups
1 box step up
20 min AMRAP
10 pistols
15 dips
1 squat clean & jerk (225/155)


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Warrior CrossFit Muscatine is a Garberling LLC enterprise.

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