
Friday 02.01.13

Kelli's game face

How excited are you to know you're eating clean and on your way to feeling GREAT? Honestly, I am ready. With the first trimester of my pregnancy out of the way, vegetables FINALLY look and taste appetizing again and I am ready to get off the crap wagon. Jacob totally called me out on my own bullshit last week as I tried to claim that pregnancy would make it too hard to commit to Paleo 100%. He's right. If I can refrain from a whole host of foods (e.g., sushi, alcohol, deli meats, soft cheeses) because they are "not good for the baby", then I cannot claim that staying away from a whole host of foods because they are NOT GOOD FOR ME is any harder because of the pregnancy. See, even I come up with some serious bullshit for not wanting to do stuff that's good for me.

With that, we hope you called yourself out on your own bullshit and you're ready to start. Think of this not as a diet, but as a training challenge for better health habits. It's kind of like doing doubleunders every day for 30 days to get better at doubleunders. We're practicing good eating habits for 30 days to get better at eating well!

A few administrative details:
  • The rules, whats, and wherefores of the challenge are available on our Paleo Challenge webpage. Print it out and put it on your fridge! 
  • SCORESHEETS: Download/copy/print the electronic version or grab a hard copy at the gym. Be sure to put those scoresheet due dates into your calendar (and set some reminders). Late scoresheets will not be accepted. If you downloaded/copied the electronic version, just email it to us. If you did not download/copy an electronic version of the scoresheet and you aren't going to drop a hard copy off in person, you can take a picture of your filled in scoresheet with your phone and text it (563-272-1433) or email it to us. BE SURE YOUR NAME IS CLEARLY VISIBLE or include your name in the subject line/text message.
  • RECIPE SUBMISSION: You only have to post a recipe submission in one place. Choose to post it EITHER (1) in the comments section of the Paleo Challenge webpage; OR (2) on our Paleo Challenge Facebook event page. Please, no copy-and-paste repeats from previous challenges.
    • We already talked about recipe sharing above.
    • Host a Paleo Party for your fellow Warriors. This is a great opportunity for potluck and recipe swapping, sharing tips and tricks of Paleo eating, and for meeting up with fellow Warriors outside of the box!
    • Read a Paleo book and write a brief report on what you learned. We'll post your report on the blog.
    • Gas Station Paleo: You're cobbling together a Paleo meal using only food found in a gas station convenience store and we need proof of labels (sugar is sneaky)! Therefore, take photos of the labels or save the labels so Jacob or I can appropriately judge your success. Even better if the food doesn't need a label!
    • If you select a CrossFit skill that you would like to defeat, please let Jacob or me know which one before you start. This way, we can track progress together and appropriately judge success!
It's Friday, so let's do:
20 consecutive front squats @ 60% 1 RM 
(+ 5lbs if the last attempt was successful)
6 --> 1*
SBGUs (80/60)
KB swings (53/35)
weighted stepups
*35 minute cap


Thursday 01.31.13

Ross's perfect push jerk landing position!
It's the last day before our 30-day Paleo Challenge begins. Tick tock, participants! We hope you reviewed the rules, downloaded/copied/printed a scoresheet, prepared some menu ideas, and read through our previous posts with the label "Nutrition".

Regardless of whether you are participating in the challenge as an official contender for one free month of Unlimited CrossFit, or as an unofficial sideline supporter of eating cleanly for 30 days, we hope you find the next 30 days challenging, educational, and insightful.

We'll have more Paleo posts throughout the challenge, and we hope you'll contribute your insights in the comments on the challenge page or on our special Facebook event page for the challenge. Either way, look to your fellow Warriors for support and have fun with Paleo!

deadlift (225/155)
-- 5 minute break --
doubleunders (x3 singles)


Wednesday 01.30.13

Sometimes it IS the gear that gets us through a WOD, right Larry? ;)
Benjamin Franklin, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, p. 128 
Benjamin Franklin tells the story of a man, who in buying an ax from a local blacksmith, desired to have the whole of its surface polished as bright as the edge. The smithy consented to grind the ax bright for him if he would turn the wheel of the sharpening stone. He turned while the smith pressed the broad face of the ax hard and heavily upon the stone, which made the turning of it very fatiguing. The buyer stopped every now and then to check how the work progressed, and finally said he would take the ax as it was, without further grinding.

"No," said the blacksmith, "turn more, turn more; we’ll have it bright by-and-by; as it is only speckled."

"Yes," replied the buyer, "but I think I like the speckled ax best."

Franklin reflected this may have been the case with many people; who having found the difficulty of obtaining the good and the breaking of habits in other points of vice and virtue, have given up the struggle and concluded that a speckled ax was best.
5 Rounds
40 doubleunders (120 singles)
30 box jumps
20 KB swings (53/35)
10 ring dips


Tuesday 01.29.13

Brian checks for secrets in the ceiling
Our 30-day Paleo Challenge starts FRIDAY! Are you ready??
Download/copy/print or pick up a scoresheet today.

Help I'll be traveling while "on Paleo"!! How do I stay strict and eat cleanly?

This is one post I had to really research because I will be island-hopping in the Caribbean with NOAA for a week during the first half of our 30-day Paleo Challenge.  I'm in for a tough road because I really cannot predict where or when I will eat. I'm on a busy schedule and I won't be in charge of my transportation. I am going to have to be very prepared with Paleo-friendly foods in my luggage and on my person at all times. So, how will I (and you) navigate strict Paleo while away from our re-vamped Hy-Vee health food section and personal kitchens? Here's where I am starting:

Numero Uno: Know the rules, which will help you make smart choices.

Numero Dos: Pack supplies for the transit portions of the trip (e.g., planes, trains, automobiles)!
  • Nuts. 
  • Paleo trail mix (my fave: unsweetened coconut flakes, almonds, and raisins). 
  • Jerky (sugar free, yo). 
  • Lara Bars. 
  • Steve's Paleo Kits. 
  • A refillable water bottle. 
  • Hardy fruits (e.g., oranges, apples).
Numero Tres: Pick the grocery store over the restaurants.
If you're lucky and will be in one spot for a while, or you have your own transportation, then the grocery store can work for you while you're traveling. Most hotel/motel rooms have at least a mini-fridge and a microwave. Try to plan ahead and book a room with these features, if not a whole mini-kitchen (stovetop and oven, as well as fridge and microwave). At the very least, you can pick up a pre-cooked rotisserie chicken and a few packages of frozen veggies that you can steam in the bag in the microwave. Make sure you pick up some utensils while you're at the store, too.

Numero Quatro: Last resort. SERIOUSLY - LAST RESORT. Make sure you've exhausted steps 1-3 before heading here: Restaurant navigation.
  • Salads, of course, with just oil and vinegar as dressing. Or no dressing (most restaurant dressings have sugar in them). Remember to skip the cheese and croutons, too.
  • Steamed veggies as a side to your steak/fish/shrimp/grilled chicken instead of french-fried crap. Mind you, the meat/seafood is probably-most-definitely seared/broiled/grilled with some sort of non-Paleo oil; however, you're in a tight spot, so you'll just have to ignore that fact.
  • Fajitas without the tortillas or cheese or beans.
  • Burgers without the bun and substitute the sides with steamed veggies or fruit salad.
  • Avoid all restaurant guacamole as most of it is made with sour cream or dairy ingredients, not to mention the added preservatives to keep it from browning.
  • Most condiments have sugar in them, including ketchup, mustard, BBQ sauce, mayonnaise, and salad dressing (as mentioned above). Some restaurants have the hot sauce bottle on the table, so you can check the ingredient list for any non-Paleo substances.
  • DRINKS: unsweetened iced tea, water with lemon, club soda with lime
I'll be sharing on Facebook and Twitter my Paleo travel experiences while I am away to 1) keep me honest (hee!), and 2) help you make great choices while you're on the road, in the air, or on the cruise ship! Enjoy your travels and share your Paleo goodness!

20 consecutive front squats @ 60% 1 RM (+ 5 lbs if your last attempt was successful)
10 Rounds
5 deadlift (245/185)


Monday 01.28.13

OMG. America's best unofficial holiday - SUPERBOWL SUNDAY - happens during DAY 3 of our 30-day Paleo Challenge. Is it possible to have a good time watching the game while chowing down on only strict Paleo foods? Heck yes, fools! Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater on this day. There's a buffet of Paleo-friendly food that doesn't include Dominos, Happy Joes, Pizza Hut, or Pizza Ranch. Check out the following recipe resources to make your day Paleo-compliant and tasty delicious. I guarantee you'll feel better the next day than if you ate pizza, breaded wings, chips, queso, soda, and beer all day. I think we all ate enough crap over the holidays, so stay on the wagon. I know you can do it.

The Ultimate Paleo Super Bowl Party Menu
Coach Sarah's Favorite Buffalo Chicken Salad (+ more game day recipes)
Paleo Buffalo Wings
Paleo Nachos
The Best Paleo Hummus Ever (eat with jicama, baby carrots, or sweet potato chips)
Paleo Chili

1 RM snatch
Then, 1 snatch @ 70% every 20 sec for 20 reps
20 min AMRAP
Run/Row 400 m
Max ankles-to-bar


Saturday 01.26.13

And Craig's sandbag is up...with a smile!
Our Paleo Challenge begins next Friday, February 1.

Register for the 1st Annual MuscaVegas St. Paddy's Day Throwdown by Thursday, Feb. 14th.
Saturday Funday!
Choose yer own WOD!
Use this as a chance to work on what you hate/suck at most.

WOD Choices
"The Nastiness"
200 wallballs
Every time you stop, drop the ball, or rest: do 5 pullups
Partner WOD
300 doubleunders
300 push press (45#)
300 medicine ball cleans (20#)
300 doubleunders
Only one partner may work at a time. 
You can not move onto the next movement until completing all the reps of the previous movement.
5 Rounds 
25 Box jumps (20") 
15 Hang cleans (135/95) 
Clean (135/95)
Ring dips


Friday 01.25.13

Kent wonders where everyone went
Our 30-day Paleo Challenge v3.0 starts in ONE WEEK! Have you purged your cupboards of all things containing dairy, legumes, sugar (in ANY FORM), peanuts, grains, soy, whey, or alcohol? If not, we're collecting all non-Paleo non-perishables through next Friday, 02/01 when the Challenge officially starts. Study the rules and download your scoresheet today. Write the scoresheet due dates on your calendar, and perhaps download a Paleo food tracker to your computer/handheld device/smart phone.

All WCFM Members have until 02/14 to register for our 1st Annual MuscaVegas St. Paddy's Day Throwdown. You do not need a partner to register. Registration for the general public will begin 02/15.

Hey guess what? Front squat is back today, and it's not going away on Tuesdays and Fridays anytime soon. SO, either avoid front squat and awesome WODs, OR get workin' on that front rack position. Have you done ANY mobility exercises to remedy your own particular front rack positioning issues? We've got thrusters today, too, so you're gonna need to get crunchin' on those range of motion issues for the front rack position. It'll get worse before it gets better if you ignore it. Take control and make it better.

20 consecutive front squats @ 60% 1RM 
(+ 5 lbs if last attempt was successful)
thrusters (115/75)

*5 burpee penalty for every break (e.g., put down bar)

*20 burpees to start workout if not going prescribed thruster weights)


Thursday 01.24.13

Beth rockin' the tube top buff
 I think the following post from CrossFit L.A. speaks to a lot of us. I know I spent the better part of 2012 working on taking fewer breaks during WODs. I always have to remind myself that my mind will generally give out sooner than my body.
Top 7 excuses we make up to get a break during a WOD and let ourselves off the hook

On Friday, I blogged about taking a water break during a WOD. The day that article posted, we had a lot of conversation over the course of the day at CFLA about taking breaks during workouts - and what some of the things are that people do to trick themselves into getting themselves out of the intense discomfort they're feeling during a WOD.

What follows are the things your mind is telling you during a workout - and my commentary on each. As you read these and think of other, different ways that you do this during your workouts, please share with us your trick in comments. Remember that by doing so, bring it more into your consciousness so that next time, you may have a choice to "stay in the suck" and not let your mind get the best of you!

1. "My mouth is dry... I NEED a drink of water... bad." You know what? The Marines who stormed the beaches of Iwo Jima - who didn't get resupplied for days and fought in 90 degree heat for days on end... now THEY were thirsty and NEEDED water. You? 'Fraid not.

2. "Chalk. Chalk. Where's the chalk? I NEED chalk." Did you know that Graham Holmberg, CrossFit Games champion from 2010, trains without chalk? How do I know? He ran 3 miles to CFLA, did a kettlebell swing, row and pull-up WOD, and ran back... all with NO chalk. While it MIGHT be true at some point during a longer WOD, do you really NEED that fresh coat every round (or rep)? Probably not.

3. "Since I'm ahead of the person that I thought would be ahead of me, I must be going too fast - so I probably should slow down anyway." Again - could be true... but how would you ever know? What if you committed to keeping your lead? Don't buy into your mind's shenanigans.

4. "I've got nothing to prove. I'm good enough just as I am. My mom, dad, sister, wife, kids love me. What am I crazy? Who needs this anyway?" Who needs this? I'll tell you who - YOU. That's why you're here, dumb-ass (said lovingly of course). This is a cornucopia of excuses - do yourself a favor and cut 'em off at the knees!

5. "I'm so far behind the person/people/or expected time that I thought I'd be competitive with, screw it. I'll just take it easy." While you might not catch up, you'll never, ever know if you just give up. Reach down, grab ahold, suck it up and get yourself back in the game. If you want to see an amazing example of this - and not giving up, EVER, even with impossible odds, watch this.

6. "Coach. Coach. How's my form. Do I look OK on this?" Did you ever stop to think that your coaches at CFLA already KNOW who we're looking out for in a class? Believe me, if your form looks like it could actually do you harm during a WOD, we'll have stopped you long before you've realized your form is bad. If you're asking this question, you probably already know that your form looks good - you're just looking for acknowledgement from the coach. Pipe down. Get back to work.

7. "The weight is too heavy. Box is too high. Reps are too many. I can't... " This is a gut check. If you warmed up properly, tested the weight on the bar in advance of starting the WOD, there is a good chance it's NOT too heavy. If it is, take some off and get back to work. I can't? Pure BS.
Now let's get down to work, Warriors!

5 Rounds
(increase weight each round)
30 OHS (95/65)
40 pullups
50 KB swings (53/35)
60 wall balls (20/14)
70 doubleunders (or 210 singles)


Wednesday 01.23.13

Our Paleo Challenge starts at the end of next week.
Clean out your dupboards and give us your non-Paleo non-perishables.
All items will be donated to the local food pantry.

WCFM Members Register NOW for
the 1st Annual MuscaVegas St. Paddy's Day Throwdown

Why is OK to tell yourself that you can't do something of which you are capable?
Why isn't it OK for others to tell you that you can't do something of which you are capable?

Think about this the next time you say to us or to yourself that you "can't" do a doubleunder, a kipping pullup, a box jump, or a heavier weight. What are you really saying? You're scared to try? You won't try? It's rare the person that does something perfectly on the first ever attempt, whether it's speaking another language, learning to walk, learning to dance, or learning a new way to move one's body.

Therefore, trying = practicing. Be brave enough to look the fool. Then fail and fail again, but keep on trying. There will come a day when failure turns to success because you didn't give yourself the excuse of saying "I can't". Now do 1 burpee for each time the word "can't" appeared in this blog post.

Power clean (135/95)
SB getups (80/60)


Tuesday 01.22.13

Cindy K. says, "CrossFit. Anytime. Anyplace."
We're collecting all your non-Paleo non-perishables through 02/01.
All items will be donated to the local food pantry.

Next Wed., Jan. 30 and Thurs., Jan. 31

Sunday, March 17
1st Annual MuscaVegas St. Paddy's Day Throw-down
30 2-person teams compete for cash prizes!
WCFM members have first crack at registration through 02/15.
General public registration begins 02/15.
Get a partner and get ready to go for GOLD. 
 What to expect when you go Paleo Eat Clean
The first time I did a Whole30 was February 2011. Prior to that, I lived off bagels, cream cheese, crackers, cheese, cereal, milk (up to a gallon per week, for just ME), pizza, macaroni and cheese, chocolate and I don't even know what else. Did I mention cheese? I think peas might have made it in there on occasion, but fruits and vegetables were hardly a mainstay of my daily diet. I should have kept a food journal leading up to the challenge, but I might only have been too dismayed by what I saw to even start a Whole30. The challenge would have seemed insurmountable in the face of how "off the wagon" I was. My goal was cleaning up my nutrition and not weight loss.

The first couple of days of the Whole30 I said to myself, "Yeah! I GOT this!" Then, the withdrawal set in. Needless to say, the next 10 days of my first Whole30 were VERY difficult. Despite cooking up better meals than ever before (i.e., ACTUAL balanced meals consisting of more than a bowl of cereal or a bagel with cream cheese) I often felt hungry, tired, and GRUMPY. Headaches were pretty common, as were severe cravings for bread and cheese. Indeed I had a strong desire to move to France and quit the challenge. I stuck it out, though, and by the end of the 3rd week I felt like I had a handle on things. I found some go-to snacks (e.g., almonds, baby carrots, fruit, Lara Bars) and some resources I really liked for meal ideas. I still had an occasional craving for chocolate (because really it is rare the woman that does not), but the rules of the challenge made choosing what to eat easier. Plus, I noticed that I ached less after workouts, I had more continuous energy throughout the day, and I slept like a rock at night. I woke up feeling ready to go (once I had my black coffee).

As the end of the challenge approached, I felt nervous about how I would ease out of the strict rules of the Whole30. Plus, what would happen if I ate dairy or grains? Would I suddenly realize my body was sensitive to these things? Would I go into systemic shock if I ate them? Fortunately, that was not the case, but dairy and grains certainly make me feel bloated and sluggish. Clearly, they are not foods for optimal well-being. Additionally, coming off that first challenge, I forever changed the way I shopped and prepared food. I definitely cleaned out a lot of bad habits and raised my level of food knowledge. I read labels all the time now. I consciously make a choice when I eat less than healthy foods. I'm not just an automaton shoving food in my mouth because it's easy or convenient because I now know better.

Making it through the discomfort of the first 10-12 days of the Whole30 is the most difficult part of the challenge; however, it is NOT the most difficult thing you will ever do in your life. Struggle through it and learn something from it. Your body is telling you something. It's mostly telling you that you ate a lot of crap and it wants it back. To paraphrase the late Whitney Houston (God rest her beautiful soul), crap "is whack" and you don't need that. The worst that happens: you discover new, healthy habits and you learn something new about your food, where it comes from, and how it impacts your functionality and well-being.

20 consecutive reps of front squat at 60% 1 RM*
*As with the back squat, every Tuesday and Friday over the next month or so, we will be doing front squat.
Weighted Ring Dip & Situp Pyramid
1-2-3-4-5-6-4-3-2-1 weighted ring dips
Multiply dip reps by 3 to get situp reps
10 --> 1 push press (135/95)
1 --> 10 burpees


Monday 01.21.13

Frank completes his first unassisted bar muscle-up!
Meet January's Warrior of the Month
Frank Amling
In His Own Words

Why did you start Crossfitting? My coworkers encouraged me to give it a try.

Favorite workout/exercise? HSPU and rope climb.

Least favorite? Running.

Athletic background? Zero if beer pong doesn't count.

Goals within the next year inside or outside of the gym (e.g.: run a 5k, hike the grand canyon, 5 quality handstand pushups to showoff for the nurses at the hospital, etc.)? Complete the Tough Mudder and a muscle-up on the rings.

Advice for people just beginning CrossFit? The more classes you attend the easier it becomes. After the first few classes I didn't know if I would be able to stick it out, but the owners/members are a great and supportive group of people.

Take at least 20 reps to work your way up to 
a 1 RM back squat (i.e. increase weight each rep or so)
11 minute cap
KB snatch (53/35) each arm
box jump
*If you cannot do a pullups without a band, 
substitute in a 3 second L-sit + 1 banded pullup for each rep


Saturday 01.19.13

Mike shows off his functional fitness in Cable, WI.
Paleo is almost here!
Need recipe ideas?
EatingWell is a great source for recipes you can easily modify, plus Paleo-friendly meal recipes.

Saturday Funday!
Choose your own WOD.

WOD Choices
U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Edwardo Loredo, 34, of Houston, Texas, assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, was killed on June 24, 2010 in Jelewar, Afghanistan, when insurgents attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his wife, First Sergeant Jennifer Loredo; his daughter, Laura Isabelle; his stepdaughter, Alexis; and his son, Eduardo Enrique.
6 rounds of: 
24 Squats 
24 Push-ups 
24 Walking lunge steps 
5 rounds for MAX REPS of:
bench press (body weight)
Run/Row 800m (= to Jill Dr and back)
30 KB Swings (70/53)
30 pullups
150 Wall balls (20/14)


Friday 01.18.13

Step ups with a SMILE!
Prep your cupboards for our 30-day Paleo Challenge, which starts in 2 weeks!
We're collecting all non-Paleo non-perishables here at the gym 
and donating them to a local food pantry. 

We're looking for Tough Mudder St. Louis participants.
Check out our Facebook event page for details.

Yesterday, I wrote about all the food groups that are eliminated while we go "strict Paleo" eat clean for one month. Hopefully, you understood the reasoning behind removing these food groups and the potential benefits of cleaning up one's nutrition. I mean think about it. Food and food-like substances go into your body countless times (unless you are keeping a food journal) per day. Of course it's going to have an impact on how you look and feel. So, considering the potential benefits of participating in the challenge (e.g., sleeping better, feeling better, having more energy), why wouldn't you participate? Well, I know I've heard it all. This is our 3rd challenge after all.

"Oh my God. NO GRAINS? Count me out."
"No way. I am NOT giving up my Mountain Dew (or whiskey, or beer)."
"Don't take away my cheese."
"That's way too hard."

You know what? Bull$h*t. You will not DIE or whither into nothing without beer, chocolate, or cheese. Thirty days of eating clean is NOT too hard. Most of you will all face more difficult challenges in your lifetime than consciously CHOOSING what goes in your mouth for 30 measly days. All of the above statements are just different ways of saying the dreaded "I can't" (um, burpee, NOW), which is REALLY just another way of saying "I won't." And most times saying "I won't" is just a sad way of saying "I'm scared." And if that is the truth, just say "I won't" and carry on as usual. If you're not scared, and you are game to try because you know you CAN do whatever you put your mind to doing, then let's go. We're not telling you to eat like this forever. You will one day drink another cocktail and eat another fried meal! All we're doing is challenging you to reset your nutrition for one month so you can have a learning experience, which will hopefully lead to long-term healthy habits.

In my mind, the worst thing that can happen while "on Paleo" eating clean is...Well, I was going to say quitting, but in reality, it's probably limiting your diet so much that you're more unhealthy "on Paleo" eating clean than you were before the challenge. For example, if you're living solely off Steve's Paleo kits, Lara Bars, and almond butter, then you're missing the boat and you should quit.

If, however, you stay strict for the entire 30-day challenge and you survive the first 1-2 weeks of sugar withdrawal, what is the worst that will happen? You just might discover some of those positive benefits mentioned above, and you might kick some bad habits that you realize you just don't need anymore (e.g., that daily 2 PM candy bar, diet Coke, or Mountain Dew) because you found a better, healthier, more quality alternative (e.g., nuts, veggies, or protein). Seriously. What do you have to lose (besides bad habits and perhaps a few stubborn pounds)?

Pick a Challenge
Who's going to take down another record today?
7 min AMRAP
5 push press (135/95)
Rope climb
7 min AMRAP
5 Deadlift (225/155)
5 Box Jump (24"/20")
7 min AMRAP
Row for max meters


Thursday 01.17.13

WOM Frank adds a few tire flips to the end of his WOD along with the rest of the 6:30 AM class.
Our 30-day Paleo Challenge starts in 15 days!
Purge your cupboards of all your non-Paleo non-perishables and drop them off at the gym. 
We're donating them to the local food pantry.

Let's bone up on some Paleo knowledge.
Why no legumes (including peanuts and soy)?
Why no grains (this INCLUDES CORN)?
Why no dairy (Dude, eggs are NOT dairy)?
Why no sugar (including honey, agave, Stevia, and maple syrup)?


The short answer: these food groups contain known inflammatory compounds that can cause and exacerbate certain conditions, including joint pain, digestive disorders, hormonal imbalances, and allergies.

Signs of inflammation that indicate perhaps your body isn't super happy with what's going in your mouth on a daily basis:
  • GAS (are you REALLY proud of those belches, burps, and other fantastical noises (or smells) your digestive system can produce?)
  • Bloating, water retention, and puffiness.
  • Constipation (or diarrhea).
  • Acid-reflux and indigestion.
  • Joint pain or persistent muscle soreness.
  • Difficulty sleeping through the night or lack of sound sleep.
  • Moodiness.
  • Fatigue.
  • Extra weight or excess flab (despite any and all efforts to exercise it away).
  • Dull skin.
  • Runny nose or persistent congestion.
  • Wheezing.
  • Inability to maintain focus.
Nutrition is not just all about how you look or what the number says on the scale. In fact, nutrition is not about that at all. Nutrition is about keeping your body fueled with quality food. REAL food that your body can digest easily, so that the important vitamins and minerals can reach your body's vital organs and systems. So you can breathe, facilitate circulation, and move more easily with sustained energy and mental focus.

1RM clean
"Cindy Cleans"
15 rounds (25 min Cap)
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats
** every 3rd round, perform 3 cleans @ 80% 1 RM**


Wednesday 01.16.13

Our 30-day Paleo Challenge starts in 16 days!
Prep your home by cleaning out all those non-Paleo items. We're collecting your non-perishable boxed and canned foods and donating them to the local food pantry.

Here it is, the most frequently asked question by women at the gym: 
"Will CrossFit make me bulky?"

Many others have written on this topic, and maybe y'all just need to hear it from me. Of course, I'm living proof that CrossFit, and weightlifting in general, does not result in a woman that looks like a man. I am 5'5" tall. Before my pregnancy, I maintained a steady weight of 135 pounds. My PRs for back squat, deadlift, and squat cleans are 200#, 235#, and 130#, respectively. This is not bragging. These are facts to illustrate the following answers to the question above.
The short answer: Sigh. NO.
The visual proof answer:
Miss America does CrossFit and beautiful dancers do CrossFit. Neither beauty queens nor ballerinas evoke images like this:
The long answer:
Ladies, unless you are doing BOTH of the following, you are NOT going to get bulky.
  • Taking steroids, like testosterone or Human Growth Hormone (HGH). [We do not have the hormone composition of men that results in muscle bulk, so we have to add it in artificially to "bulk up".]
  • Purposefully aiming to build muscle through a combination of a protein-rich diet (e.g., chicken breasts and egg whites for every meal + creatine/protein shakes after every workout) and super heavy lifting sets multiple times a week (I'm talking face-straining heavy lifts). [You aren't going to "bulk up" unless that is your specific goal.]
In CrossFit we do lift weights that seem heavy; however, your workouts here are not going to result in you spontaneously developing "man arms" or "man back" or "man hands". This fact is particularly true if your starting fitness level was so low that you had very little muscle strength or a high body fat content (or both). You had a long way to go before "bulking up" became an issue.

The weights we use in CrossFit are generally heavier than what most women are used to using in the gym. Here 5-pound dumbbells don't exist. Soup cans are not considered "weights" here. And we do "max out" on lifts several times a week. None of this, however, is going to result in a "Helga-like" weightlifting/bodybuilder body (see above). We do a high number of reps with our weights, and we cycle quickly through a circuit of movements. This intensity combined with the weight and strength training components generally results in bodies that are leaner, firmer (good bye underarm wiggle!), more flexible, and most importantly more durable.

With this fact in mind -- weightlifting will NOT make you look like a man or result in unfeminine bulk -- do not opt for lighter weights during a WOD for fear of developing muscle. "I just want to tone" is not a reason for staying light. Your body will get so used to your "toning" weight that you will cease to see results. Your fitness level will not change and may even plateau or backslide. Your body will continue to stay lean and firm as long as you continue to challenge it to adapt to heavier weights.

As always, it boils down to this: PROGRESS. No one is saying you should be able to deadlift 300 lbs; however, we are saying you should be able to deadlift more today than you were able to lift 1, 2, 3, or 6 months ago (if you haven't been sidelined by injury, illness, or other life events). And if you're more concerned about having stick-thin legs than legs that can stay strong under a variety of conditions, then by all means, keep up the cardio, skip the weights, and enjoy early-onset osteoporosis.

"Super Helen"*
FIVE Rounds
Run/Row 400 m
21 KB Swings (53/35)
12 pullups

*Regular "Helen" typically is 3 rounds.


Tuesday 01.15.13

Gettin' dooooown in that overhead squat
If you're cleaning out the cupboards of all that processed boxed or canned food, 
we'll take it off your hands. Bring it on in - don't eat it!

Get in early because these sell out fast. 
Warriors Sara and Kelli are in...are you?

EMOTM for 10 minutes
Partner Up!
40 (total) SBGUs (80/60)
Flex arm hang


Monday 01.14.13

Beth showing some 'tude
Now through 02/01 we're collecting your non-perishables 
as you prepare your cupboards for the 30-day Paleo Challenge. 
They will be donated to the local food pantry.

Today's WOD is sponsored by the letter "D," which stands for "deadlift" and "doubleunder". The key to that deadlift: keep those lats engaged. In plain English: draw back your shoulders and keep your shoulder blades together through the ENTIRE lift, particularly on the way down. As soon as you let your head drop and your shoulders droop....your back rounds and that's bad news for the next few days. Keep your head up and don't let gravity dictate how that bar is going to get back down to the ground. True life, Warriors.

"The 10,000 lbs. Deadlift Challenge"
14 minute cap
Lift a total of 10,000 lbs (men) or 7,000 lbs (women).
(E.g., Men: with 225 loaded on the bar, you would have to perform 44 deadlifts; 
Women: with 155 loaded on the bar, you would have to perform 45 deadlifts)
100 doubleunders
50 wall balls (20/14)
75 DUs
50 wall balls
50 DUs
50 wall balls
Cash Out:
Row 500 m for time


Saturday 01.12.13

MuscaVegas Warriors in action. Sara gets a hit (and air time)!
Prepare now by cleaning out your cupboards and your pantry of all items containing 
dairy, whey, wheat, grains, legumes, peanuts, soy, or sugar (in all it's nefarious forms).
We're collecting non-perishable items now through the end of the month.

Saturday Funday is all about choice. Choose your own WOD from the options below. Hammer hard on those skills at which you're less than stellar and perhaps scratch off one of those goals sooner, rather than later.

WOD Choices
Thrusters (95/65)
20 back squats at 20RM (a.k.a. as heavy as possible)
Five rounds*, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
*Rest precisely three minutes between each round.
5 rounds of:
7 reps: on the rings, lower from an inverted hang, slowly, with straight body and arms
15 Ring Push-ups
Move SLOWLY and methodically attempting perfect execution.
Ideally this is done with two pairs of rings -
one pair hung app. 8' off the ground and the second 4" off the ground.
WOD demo video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov
1000 m row
50 thrusters (45#)
30 pullups


Friday 01.11.13

Ring pushups for America!
Here's something that looks new and different from the usual obstacle course race: Alpha Warrior. The nearest events are in Cincinnati and Indianapolis in July and August, respectively. This might be a good way to ready for the Tough Mudder in St. Louis in September. Of course, one or both might be great goals to put on your goal sheet for the year!

Warm Up:
20 consecutive back squats @ 60% 1 RM
(add 5 pounds since last successful attempt) 
7 rounds
Run 8 lengths of the room backward
7 SB getups (80/60)


Thursday 01.10.13

Let's back squat America!
Paleo is coming in February! 

5 Rounds
3 overhead press*
1 Rope Climb 
(*increase weight each round)
"Sandhaas Special"
20 minutes
Run/Row 400 m
Max Deadlift reps in 1 minute (275/175)


Wednesday 01.09.13

The various body shapes of professional athletes (from Howard Schatz).
 My wish for the health and fitness industry: that we stopped framing health and fitness in terms of "fat", "skinny", "trim", or "plus size". These are superficial terms that do nothing to gauge a person's fitness, which is a measure of a person's health (the other being illness or pathology). One thing I always harp on here at WCFM is progress. Is your fitness progressing? Are you becoming more flexible? Is your range of motion and technique improving? Are you moving toward or away from your goals? We have such a variety of people working out here at WCFM -- triathletes, distance runners, average Joes just trying to look and feel better, moms trying to lose those last 5, 10, 15 pounds of baby weight, folks who never worked out before -- that no single goal fits every person here. Except one. You got it: progress.

I wish the popular idea of health was framed in terms of individual functionality -- e.g., mobility, flexibility, digestion, cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure. Your weight? I could not care less, particularly if you can out-WOD someone half your size who eats cheeseburgers and ice cream every weekend. You can be skinny fat and you can be fat fat with a bad diet. You can be skinny and look good in a bikini, but be so weak or inflexible that you can't lift yourself out of danger or touch your toes. You can be "fat" and have the blood panel of a god, but can you walk up the stairs without wheezing or making your knees or back sore?

It's time we all start thinking of health and fitness in a more holistic manner and less superficial one. A person is more than just their pant/dress size. I am more concerned with whether you are strong, capable, responsible, and continually progressing in your health and fitness goals, than with the number on the scale or how you look in a bathing suit. I feel the sooner we define health by how we feel, move, and function, the sooner we can abandon "ideal" body shapes and obsessing over meaningless numbers on a scale; we can embrace our true selves.

In the end, I believe this more meaningful perspective on our health and fitness will help us live longer, more productive lives. Stop thinking in terms of the scale or a size on a tag or a model in a magazine or an actor in an action flick, and start thinking in terms of your ability to defeat decrepitude - the advance of time and its effects on our bodies. Work towards improving your body's functionality - inside and out - for life. Changing the prevailing attitudes of the health and fitness industry starts with you (and me), so change your attitude toward fitness by being a better, more functional YOU. Be ever-evolving and never quit progressing.

Mini WODs!
1 minute of rest between each 5 min AMRAP:
- 10 KB Swings, 10 KB SDHP (53/35)
- 10 jumping air squats, 10 pullups
10 pushups, 10 ankles-to-bar
- Suicides
- 1 barbell complex, max stepups (24"/20")


Tuesday 01.08.13

Ed and Ryan work the 3 bars of death (bench, deadlift, cleans)
Our January Newsletter is out now! Have you reviewed the goal sheet in the front of your binder? Check it out today and decide if you need to re-evaluate.

Everyone has that one friend with every excuse in the book for not taking charge of their health with exercise and healthy eating. Here's how to respond (constructively) next time you hear "that friend" (or even yourself) giving yet another excuse.

Save the date for Wed., Jan. 30 and Thurs., Jan. 31. creativeLive is hosting a FREE 2-day course with Kelly Starrett of MobilityWOD. Here is the course description:
"In this exciting 2-day creativeLIVE course, Kelly offers a healthy “how-to” blueprint for moving about in our hectic everyday lives. How do you fix your position while sitting at your desk at work for hours on end? How can you lift your kids without hurting your back? What’s the best way to run to avoid long-term injury? Kelly will give you all the tools you need to perfect your movement and ensure long-lasting health and mobility, unlocking reservoirs of athletic capacity you didn’t even know you had."
K.Star knows his sh*t when it comes to mobility and addressing those range of motion issues preventing you from locking out overhead or squatting down low. Take advantage of this FREE opportunity (or pay to watch the video later)!

30 snatch (135/95)*
*If at 115# (men)/95# (women) you are unable to reach full depth in an overhead squat, 
then you will substitute 30 overhead squats and 30 power cleans for the prescribed 30 snatch.
Partner WOD
Row 2K/Plank
Between the two of you, row a total of 2000 m. While one partner rows, the other holds plank.


Monday 01.07.13

We chose our winners of our Change Your Life Program! Please welcome Todd and Katie to the WCFM Community. Over the next 14 weeks Jacob and I will be guiding them in their quest to lose weight, eat better, feel better, and achieve a healthy, active, sustainable lifestyle. We know you all will help us welcome and support them.

This is an opportunity for all skill levels (Rx, Scaled, and Beginner) to experience the FUN of CrossFit competition!

In other news, I am getting so excited for v3.0 of our 30-Day Paleo Challenge. I've updated the scoresheets and added some new Extra Credit Challenges for earning extra points. These Extra Credit Challenges hopefully will help us answer the following questions throughout our month:
  • Why does Paleo restrict some food groups like grains, legumes, and dairy?
  • How do I stay "paleo" in a food desert (e.g., out on the road)?
  • How are others eating clean and sticking to the challenge?
  • How does focusing on specific goals help me achieve success?
The goal for these 30-day Challenges, as always, is education - how the food we eat affects how we feel and perform inside and outside of the gym. Each challenge, however, provides an opportunity for us to refine our knowledge and be more successful in our everyday implementation of healthy eating habits. Use January as an opportunity to prepare yourself for February's Challenge by reading up on Paleo (feel free to check out our copy of Practical Paleo) and practicing some new habits in anticipation of winning our challenge!

3 rounds of: 
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps) 
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps) 
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps) 
Push-press, 75# (Reps) 
Row (Calories) 

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.


"L-sit Annie"
50 doubleunders, 50 sec L-sit
40 doubleunders, 40 sec L-sit
30 doubleunders, 30 sec L-sit
20 doubleunders, 20 sec L-sit
10 doubleunders, 10 sec L-sit
[Seconds of L-sit is the total number of seconds to accumulate each round]


Saturday 01.05.12

Happy 2013/End of Acts of Kindness Celebration
7 PM
At Our House
(text/call us at 563-272-1433 for address and directions)

Saturday Funday is here! Choose your own WOD! Saturdays are all about working on the skills and movements that you may have missed during the week or for which you need more practice. Get after it, Warriors.

WOD Choices
"Painstorm" (April 2008)

Prescribed weights: 115/80 

10 Front squat 
10 Push press 
10 Thruster 
10 Pull-up 
10 Burpee 

8 Front squat 
8 Push press 
8 Thruster 
20 Pull-up 
15 Burpee 

6 Front squat
6 Push press 
6 Thruster 
30 Pull-up 
20 Burpee 

4 Front squat 
4 Push press 
4 Thruster 
40 Pull-up 
25 Burpee 

2 Front squat 
2 Push press 
2 Thruster 
50 Pull-up 
30 Burpee
20 min AMRAP
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats
deadlift (225/155)
20 snatches (135/95)


Friday 01.04.13

KB SDHP = Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Our January 2013 Newsletter is now available! Meet January's Warrior of the Month. Read about upcoming events and thoughts from Coach in our Coach's Corner!

Party this Saturday!
7 PM at Our House
(ask Coach Sarah or Coach Jacob for the address and directions)
We will have food, beverages, and fun!

Our 30-day Paleo Challenge is coming. We wait until February for ours (versus January for a lot of other boxes) because we want to give you a little post-holiday buffer to wean off the real crap (a.k.a. cookies, cakes, and pies). We also want to give you a month to get your routine back on track - get the kids back in school, get the house back in order, get back to full weeks at work - so you're well-primed to take on the challenge. I'm still working on tweaking some of the rules for earning/docking points, but rest assured, the dos and don'ts of strict paleo eating remain the same. The hardest part of paleo clean eating is being prepared for food deserts. It is not when we are at home that we tend to go off the clean eating wagon (especially if we purged our houses of non-paleo foods); it is when we are on the go, traveling, or out of our routine that clean eating choices suffer. Therefore, the biggest tip I have as you start to educate yourself about clean eating and to gear up for next month's challenge: know how to make smart choices when you are left stranded without your lunch box of paleo-friendly foods.

I'll be posting more tips for Paleo clean eating success as the challenge nears. This is a great opportunity to re-set your nutrition and see how food really does impact how you feel! 80% of body composition and fitness is NUTRITION. You cannot out-exercise a bad diet. Read past posts on nutrition here. Scroll down our Resources page for more info on TheWhole30 and Practical Paleo.

20 consecutive reps back squat @60% 1 RM
(add 5 pounds from the last time you completed this rep scheme)

Rest 5 Mins
Ring Dip Pyramid up to 7
Sit-ups X 3


Thursday 01.03.13

CrossFit Community shared this video from CrossFit 204 in Winnipeg, which documents one athlete's quest to work on the skills she needs to get her to the CrossFit Games. From CrossFit 204:
 "It takes time and hard work to become proficient at anything. This video shows parts of four years of hard work Crystal has put in on CrossFit movements. If you feel intimidated to start CrossFit, or if you feel frustrated by your progress, know that each one of us starts somewhere and experiences frustration. Those who work through it are richly rewarded."
As we always say here at WCFM, CrossFit is always about progress - working hard each day to get better by not practicing crap movement. No excuses. No limits.

1000 Acts of Kindness Challenge ends this Sunday!
Celebrate your big hearts and a new year at our house on Saturday at 7 PM.

1 RM Snatch
3 Rounds
3 snatch
5 Rounds
Run/Row 400 m
15 overhead squats (95/65)

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