
Tuesday 04.01.14

Dan gets ready to slam 135# at Festivus 2013
Our April Newsletter is now available!
Meet our April Warrior of the Month!
Dan Forsman

Why did you start CrossFitting?
My first exposure to CrossFit was watching the CrossFit Games on ESPN2. It looked like the ultimate challenge, and everyone was in ridiculous shape. I've been involved in competitive sports my entire life, but after I graduated college, I stopped working out, practicing, and training. I felt super lazy and CrossFit looked like perfect opportunity for me to take my fitness to the next level and get back into the competitive spirit. The hardest part for me was convincing myself to go to the first intro class and I have enjoyed every moment since.

What is your favorite exercise?
My favorite exercise is constantly changing. I love doing WODs or lifts that I haven't done in a long time, then being able to go to my binder and see the improvements I've made. It always amazes me to see how much I have improved in such a short time and to imagine how much better I will be the next time.

What is your least favorite?
My least favorite... I would have to say long distance rows. It's a very monotonous task and my mind has a hard time staying focused.

What are your goals for the next year (in or out of the gym)?
My goals for the next year are:
- row a half marathon (embrace the suck)
- 135 lb snatch
- Solid gains on my squat/deadlift max as well as shoulder-to-overhead max
- Survive the birth of my first kid in the next month :)

What advice do you have for newbies?
My advice for newbies would be to come back after your first class. I remember being incredibly sore after my first workout and could barely walk up and down steps. Everyone feels like that the first time and it does get better. Second, sign up with a friend. It's good to have the peer pressure of a friend to keep you motivated, as well as someone you can bitch and moan to about how sore you are the day after a tough WOD. Lastly, I would say its important to set goals; get a pull up without bands, get a muscle up, finish in the top half of the CrossFit Open, etc. Keep working on improving, and remember everyone's goals are different. Make sure your goals are YOUR goals and not someone else's.

What is your favorite Pandora station?
My favorite Pandora station depends on the day. I've requested everything from Back Street Boys to 2 Chainz, techno to hard rock. I just like the noise. Once I start working out, I really don't hear the music.

5 Rounds
5 bench press
20 min AMRAP 
10 Hip bridges (225/155)
10 wall facing squats


Monday 03.31.14

Lisa, Cindy, and Andrea at Lightning Strikes Adventure Race --special guest Robyn Benincasa

LAST DAY of our 31-day strict pullup challenge.
All this week we'll be logging who is most improved and who can get the most consecutive reps.
The last day to pay your monthly CrossFit fees is 
Every Friday for the next 3 weeks we will be doing "The Big 24".
Get lifting. Get heavy.

Our newsletter comes out tomorrow. Meet our new Warrior of the Month and catch up on all the latest upcoming events!

3-person teams will switch off to complete the following:
Max meters rowed in 50 minutes.

1) Switch as often as you like; however, the minimum row is 500 m per team member before switching off.
2) For the first 20 minutes, someone must be holding a handstand.


Saturday 03.29.14

Bright idea.

Monthly CrossFit fees are due by TUESDAY.

Saturday Funday!
You choose the WOD,

CF Open 14.5
thrusters (95/65)
Thursday 060720
5 rounds for time of:
3 Snatch (75/55)
15 Overhead squat (75/55)
Run 400 meters
5 rounds for time of: 
20 Pull-ups 
40 Push-ups 
60 Air squats


Friday 03.28.14

Better than dueling pianos.
No 6:30 PM WOD tonight.

It's the last WOD of the CrossFit Open. Regionals are in Chicago at the Navy Pier, May 9-11. 
Coach Sarah and several Warriors are going to watch the action.

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
thrusters (95/65)


Thursday 03.27.14

Padre demuestra el arranque
If you won't be in the gym on Monday or Tuesday, now might be a good time to drop off your monthly CrossFit fee ;) 
The last WOD of the CrossFit Open will be announced at 7 PM. 
What kind of hair will Dave Castro sport this time? Will there be burpees?

After the Open concludes, the top 60 men and the top 60 women in each region will be invited to Regionals. The North Central Regionals will be at Chicago's Navy Pier May 9-11. We have several Warriors and Coach Sarah planning on going to watch all the action.

Additionally, in each of the Master's Division age groups, the top 200 competitors worldwide will be invited to complete 4 additional WODs on April 17th. These WODs will be videoed at the competitor's local affiliate and submitted to CFHQ. Currently, our very own Doug Dawson stands in 6th place in our Region and 89th worldwide in the Master's 60+ division! Following completion of the 4 additional WODs, the top 20 competitors worldwide within each Master's division will be invited to the CrossFit Games in L.A. this July. Doug, no pressure...

8 Rounds
3 power clean + push jerk
7 min AMRAP
7 min AMRAP
5 Shoulder to overhead (115/75)
10 deadlift (115/75)
15 box jumps (24"/20")


Wednesday 03.26.14

Nate, upside down on the top of the world in Canada
Monthly CrossFit fees due NEXT TUESDAY.
No foolin'.
Next Tuesday is also the last day to reserve a spot for July's high ropes course outing.
There is an option to camp overnight, as well. See bulletin board for details.
There will be NO 6:30 PM WOD THIS FRIDAY, 03/28.
If you're all about eating real food that is EASY and QUICK to prepare AND you have a sweet tooth, try this superfood chocolate sweet potato pudding. It's a rich and amazing combo of flavors!

U.S. Army First Lieutenant Thomas M. Martin, 27, of Ward, Arkansas, assigned to the 1st Squadron, 40th Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division, based in Fort Richardson, Alaska, died on October 14, 2007 in Al Busayifi, Iraq, of wounds suffered when insurgents attacked his unit with small arms fire. He is survived by his parents, Edmund and Candis Martin; sisters Sarah Hood, Becky Martin, and Laura Martin; fiancee, Erika Noyes; and grandmother, E. Jean Martin.
25 min AMRAP
7 muscle ups (or 21 dips)
11 thrusters (155/105)
14 toes-to-bar (use rings if hands are torn)


Tuesday 03.25.14

Coach Jacob at Honey Creek State Park Resort
Monthly CF fees are due ONE WEEK from TODAY.
There will be no 6:30 PM WOD this Friday, 03/28
The last CF Open WOD will be announced this Thursday evening at 6 PM. There is a group going to the CF Games Regionals in Chicago, May 9-11. If interested, please get in touch with Sara Stumpff.

1 RM deadlift
"Nicole" Steps Up
20 min AMRAP
Max pullups
50 step ups (24"/20")


Monday 03.24.13

Fetal angel
Day 24 of our strict pullup challenge!
CrossFit Open WOD 14.4 scores are due tonight by 7 PM.
Monthly CrossFit fees are due on April 1st, and we ain't foolin'.

6 Rounds
6 hang cleans + 6 front squat
15 min AMRAP
Run 200 m
15 KB swings (AHAP)


Saturday 03.22.14

Saturday Funday.
Where you choose the WOD!

14 minute AMRAP: 
60-calorie row 
50 toes-to-bars 
40 wall-ball shots (20 / 14)
30 cleans (135 / 95)
20 muscle-ups 
deadlift (225/155)
5 Rounds
Run 400 m
30 wall balls (20/14)
30 box jumps


Friday 03.21.14

Mark gets low, low, low
Hey y'all, Coaches Garvin are taking a mini vacay Friday evening through the weekend. Trainers Ryan and Kyle will be at the box on Friday evening and Saturday morning, respectively, to judge your 14.4 Open efforts. If you miss an opportunity to complete 14.4 today or tomorrow, no worries. We can get you squared away on Monday. Have fun, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

14 minute AMRAP: 
60-calorie row 
50 toes-to-bars 
40 wall-ball shots (20 / 14)
30 cleans (135 / 95)
20 muscle-ups


Thursday 03.20.12

Half marathon row. Ain't no thang, right?
Day 20 of our STRICT pull-up challenge!
Remember, prizes go to Most Improved and Most Consecutive Reps!
The DU: A Haiku
the doubleunder
so difficult to master
lash my arms and ass

Of all the pieces of equipment in our gym, the jump rope is by far the most simple; however, it is far and away the most frustrating piece, especially when it comes to doubleunders. I witness athletes asking other athletes how to get doubleunders, and invariably it turns into a circle of at least 2 to 3 athletes with doubleunders advising the 1 athlete without doubleunders. That poor athlete receives a machine gun clip of coaching tips within about 30 seconds. "Use your wrists." "Keep your elbows pinned to your sides." "Don't jump so high." "Keep your hands forward of your body."

Unfortunately, when it comes right down to it, the only path to the doubleunder is practice and pain. There is no magic universal coaching cue. There is no magical jump rope. There is no magical protein supplement. There is only you, the rope, and lots of lashings and red welts until you find YOUR doubleunder rhythm. 

One good skill to have up your sleeve before attempting doubleunders is a nice, smooth single under. You are able to jump quickly and steadily while remaining in a tall, upright posture (e.g., head high and shoulders, hips, and feet in a nice straight line - like you could hold a book on your head). Your upper body should remain pretty still during your jumps. From there, you can start toying with the doubleunder. If this is your goal for 2014 - the defeat the doubleunder - then spend some time with ol' DU before or after every WOD or each Saturday. Keep attempting the doubleunder until you are able to jump from little Okinawa to Mainland, just like Mr. Miyagi so vaguely instructed you!

1 RM snatch
"Annie Clean & Jerked Up"

*every minute on the minute perform 3 C&J (AHAP, touch-and-go)


Wednesday 03.19.14

Kicking up on a wall? No problem, says Sara
Day 19 of our strict pullup challenge!
Hey, it's a Benchmark Girl WOD! Kelly always looks like such a fun girl, then about round 3 she lays down the hammer on yo' ass and you realize...this bitch is gonna take a lot longer than I thought.

Before we get to her, though, we are doing some push pressin'. Push press, where you only get one knee bend to make the bar float. Think to yourself, "Bend, straighten. Down-up!" It's fast. You are bunny hoppin' that bar overhead. It's not a semi-thruster or a semi-squat to start the lift - it's a quick dip, a tight squeeze o' the tush, and a final push with the shoulders to lock the weight out overhead. Easy peasy, right? Right. Let's go and make this a great day. WOD 14.4 of the Open gets announced tomorrow night.

Push Press 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1-1
5 Rounds
Run 400 m
30 box jumps (24"/20")
30 wall balls (20/14)


Tuesday 03.18.14

Moving so fast he's a blur.
Day 18 of our strict pullup challenge!

So, I'm a hot mess today. Maybe it's the full moon. Maybe it's Monday. Maybe it's a teething child (how long can I blame him?). Maybe it's leprechauns playing a joke on me. I messed up workouts today and I posted the wrong workout for tomorrow once already on this here blog. So, hopefully the second time is a charm...[Thursday's post will include poetry.]

8 Rounds
3 "The Exercise" (1 rep = hang squat snatch + OHS)
(increase weight each round)
10 Rounds
10 thrusters (95/65)
10 ring pushups


Monday 03.17.14

Female Division Podium Finishers: First Place (Center) Becca Zahradnik (No affiliate) & Cindy Sparks (WCFM); Second Place (left) Cindy Klebe (WCFM) & Kelli Kirchner (WCFM); Third Place (right) Tracy Liu (WCFM) & Lindsay Cox (WCFM)
Male Division Podium Finishers: First Place (Center) Andreas Janzen & Dylan Martin; Second Place (left) Matt Hirn & Eric Chapman; Third Place (right) Blake Wuorenma & Levi Moser
Masters Division Podium Finishers: First Place (right) Doug Dawson & Tim Garvin; Second Place (left) Chris & Melanie Moore
The Lowdown on the Throwdown 

What a fantastic weekend! Thank you again to all of our volunteers and judges that made this event happen. Thank you to Sara Stumpff for photographing all the action and our podium finishers.

WOD 1: 
3 min AMRAP stations with no rest between stations 
(max rope climbs, max chest to bar pullups, and max shoulder to overheads at 135/85). 
On the lizzadies side, Cindy Sparkle and Becca Zahradnik glided through the CTB, rope climbs, and shoulder to overhead, ending with 125 reps total and taking first place. Cindy Klebe and Kelli Kirchner came in second place with 114 reps, which put them in a solid position coming out of the first WOD. Several athletes took home their first chest-to-bar pullups -- something to build upon for next time -- as CTB has become the CrossFit standard.

On the Men's side, Cedar Rapids' finest, Dylan Martin and Andy Janzen, both top 150 in the region for the CrossFit Open, took home first place with an astounding 237 reps. WCFM's Josh Eiben and Ryan Wilson took third with 186 reps.

WOD 2 
13 min AMRAP
400 m sandbag run (80/60)
21 box jumps
*The sandbag cannot touch the ground at any time (someone must be holding it throughout). 20 burpee penalty for both athletes if the bag hits the ground.
*Each 100 m counts as a rep.

It was cold outside, but nothing like an 80/60 lb joyride to stay warm. Three teams succumbed to the burpee penalty, which hurt just watching! Cindy and Becca edged out Kate Klingborg and Rachel Reifert for first place by 100 meters (101 reps to 100 reps, respectively). Kelli and Cindy again coming up strong to place third with 86 reps.

For the men, the folks from Hastings, Minnesota, took first place (Matt Hirn/Eric Chapman). Cedar Rapids' Dylan and Andy Janzen placed second, and our very own high school phenom Jacob Schmelzer and partner Kori Phillips came in third. The silver lining for all the dudes was no one succumbed to the burpee penalty on the cold, hard pavement.

WOD 3: 
Sally Up, Sally Down Back Squats (135/95)
*Score was average length of time partners stayed in the game.

On to the most entertaining event to watch: Sally Up, Sally Down back squats. The crowd erupted as Tracey Liu forged forward as the only female to finish the song! It was good enough to take first place along with her partner, Lindsay Cox, by 1 second over Molly Connor and Amy Streufert. The solid squat showing catapulted Lindsay and Tracey to the podium with an overall third place finish.

Heading into WOD 3 there was a 4-way tie for the top spot. Several teams and many individuals made it all the way through the song, making the competition very tight at the top. Congrats to Ed, Ryan, JT, and Nick for going the distance, with several others setting personal records.

Coming out of WOD 3, there was a tie for 1st between Matt Hirn/Eric Chapman and Dylan Martin/Andy Janzen. The tiebreaker was max doubleunders in 2 minutes. Andy broke only once during the 2 minutes, making 200+ DUs look like a walk in the park.

Masters Division Recap
Pops (a.k.a. Tim) and Doug (who is currently ranked in the top 30 in the world for 60+ division in the CrossFit Open), edged out Melanie and Chris Moore by one point overall. Melanie was able to Sally Up & Down her way through the entire song. Unfortunately, the tutu and kilt worn by Chris and Melanie created a little extra drag on the SB run.

Congrats to all of the teams that participated and thank you to everyone that came out to watch the action. We have so much fun with this event each year and we hope you join again next year!! Final Standings are available online here.


St. Paddy's Day WOD
Wear your green today!

4 Rounds
400 m sprint
(Record slowest 400)
15 min for max weight
1 squat clean + 1 hang squat clean + 1 shoulder-to-overhead


Friday 03.14.14

New shirts available in the gym for $20 a pop
Our 2nd Annual St. Paddy's Day Throwdown is TOMORROW! Details below.


Get your popcorn ready. Schedule and heats posted below. The heats will stay the same throughout all 3 WODs.

0900: Athlete briefing
0915: 1st heat of first WOD
1030: 1st heat of 2nd WOD
Noon: Last WOD
12:45 closing ceremonies/awards

Heat 1
All 8 female teams will go in the 1st heat

Heat 2 (only 1 team member is listed)
Tim Garvin
Chris Moore
Kori Phillips
Ryan Wilson
Jason Walker
Gary Carpenter

Heat 3
Nick Martin
Matt Hirn
Josh Warder
Chase Deluca
Levi Moser
Dylan Martin

Google maps has not yet updated our current address. The address is 103 Ford Ave, Suite 1, Muscatine IA 52761. We are located in the same plaza as O'Reilly's Auto Parts and Samz Sports Bar.

WODs will consist of the movements linked below and they will be posted on the whiteboard Saturday morning. Weather permitting, the second WOD will be outside in the parking lot.


Samz Sports Bar next door is grilling up some paleo plates. They will also have Gatorade and other beverages for sale.

Slam barbells, good tunes, great company, and paleo plates...What more could you ask for? Travel safe and we look forward to seeing you Saturday!

Jacob Garvin
Cell: 563 272 1433



Thursday 03.13.14

Britta, Sally Down, 'Merica
We will be open late tonight (9ish) for any competitors wishing to be judged prior to this weekend's throwdown. Judging will be available only during the following times: (1) Thursday evening, (2) any WOD time on Friday, and (3) any WOD time on Monday. Remember, all scores must be submitted by 7 PM on Monday.

Saturday is our 2nd Annual MuscaVegas St. Paddy's Day Throwdown. Watch for a blog post by Coach Jacob on Friday. Our throwdown guarantees loud music, sweat, cheers, and fun for everyone. If you are not competing or volunteering, please come on down to watch some or all of the action, which starts at 9 AM. Bring your friends, families, and kiddos! Bman will be there for those in need of some baby cuddles. $5 per cuddle minute ;)

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 dips (weighted if that tickles your fancy)
3-6-9-12-15-18-21-24 situps (weighted if THAT tickles your fancy)
3 Rounds
5 hang cleans (135/95)
15 box jumps (24"/20")
50 air squats
*At any time during the 3 rounds complete 1000 consecutive meters of rowing


Wednesday 03.12.14

The warmer WODs are coming
Day 12 of our strict pullup challenge!
Looking for our end of challenge winners in the following categories:
1) Most Improved
2) Most Consecutive Reps
14.3 will be announced tomorrow evening at 7 PM!
We will be open late for anyone wanting to be judged on 14.3 before Saturday's Throwdown
Our St. Paddy's Day Throwdown is THIS SATURDAY.
Kids, family, and friends are welcome, welcome, welcome!
150 wall balls
Every time you take a break, complete 5 shoulder-to-overhead (115/75)
20 Minutes:
ODD: 3 deadlift @ 75% 1 RM
EVEN: 1 rope climb


Tuesday 03.11.14

Jake shows Casey how the TGU is done.
The 3rd WOD of the CrossFit Open will be announced at 7 PM Thursday night. We will be staying open late that evening for anyone that wishes to do 14.3 that night, particularly those wishing to rest on Friday before participating in our 2nd Annual St. Paddy's Day Throwdown on Saturday.

Our Throwdown starts at 9 AM. An email to volunteers and athletes went out last night. If you are participating and did not receive an email, please contact us. If you would like to participate and have not yet registered, please do so ASAP!

8 Rounds
3 back squat (increase weight until you reach >80% 1 RM on the last round)
20 sec plank
EMOTM for 15 minutes
Run width of the room
1 strict pullup
3 toes-to-bar


Monday 03.10.14

If you don't watch it, Mister, you're gonna BE a Turkish getup!
It is Day 10 of our strict pullup challenge!
Our 2nd Annual St. Paddy's Day Throwdown is THIS Saturday, March 15th, starting at 9 AM! Be there to compete, volunteer, or spectate!
If you are participating in the CrossFit Open, we will be open late this Thursday, March 13th, for judging. You may also be judged on Friday or Monday during our regular WOD times. Saturday, obviously, will be our Throwdown.

6 rounds
5 clean & jerk (185/115)
5 burpee muscle-ups
(or 1 burpee muscle-up = 1 burpee + 3 chest-to-bar pullups)


Saturday 03.08.14

Are you registered?
Are you available to help out?
Our newsletter is now available.
Today in the pull-up challenge:
8 strict pullups

Saturday Funday where you choose the WOD!

WOD Choices
CF Open 14.2
 0-3 min: 2 Rounds of 10 OHS (95/65) and 10 chest-to-bar pullups
3-6 min: 2 rounds of 12 OHS and 12 C2B pullups
6-9 min: 2 Rounds of 14 OHS and 14 C2B pullups
9-12 min: 2 rounds of 16 OHS and 16 C2B pullups
3 Rounds
5 Rope climbs
25 ring dips
100 squats
Ring dips


Friday 03.07.14

Amy. Box jumps. 'Merica.
Guys' Nite is TONIGHT!
WOD at 6:30 PM.
BWW after WOD and before 9:10 showing of 
300: Rise of an Empire here in MuscaReno.
Every Friday the WOD is the CrossFit Open WOD, which is announced each Thursday during the 5 weeks of the Open at 7 PM Central. For our registered competitors, judging will occur on Fridays during regular WOD times and on Saturdays during open gym. If you are unable to make any of these times, please contact Coach Jacob for alternate arrangements. All scores must be submitted on the Games website each Monday by 7 PM Central. After 14.1, we think most of you have the drill down. Good luck and have fun!!



Thursday 03.06.14

Amy - Silent Ninja, Paleo Empress
Guys' Nite: Part Deux
Slam bars at 6:30 WOD
Eat slabs of meat at Buffalo Wild Wings
Pillage the theatre. 
Movie starts at 9:10 PM
The CrossFit Open WOD 14.2 will be announced tonight at 7 PM.
Watch it live on games.crossfit.com

Y'all are going to want to stretch out your front rack position today.
Here are some stretching ideas for while you stare at the whiteboard before your session starts.
1RM Curtis P, then
3 Rounds
3 Curtis P (AHAP)
*1 Curtis P = 1 hang squat clean + lunge right + lunge left + push press
30 Rounds
1 wall walk
1 box jump
1 box jump


Wednesday 03.05.14

Good luck?
OMG. The March newsletter is FINALLY here!
Check it out and find out what our March 31-Day Challenge is!
Guy's Nite is still happening this Friday, March 7th.
Because the guys are planning it, the time is still TBA.
On the agenda: 
BWW and 300: Rise of an Empire.

4 minute stations with 2 minutes rest in between:
(1) AMRAP: 10 burpees, 10 GHDs
(2) Max row
(3) AMRAP: clean & jerks (135/95)
(4) AMRAP: 10 pull-ups, 10 goblet squats (AHAP)
(5) AMRAP: 1 rope climb, 5 SBGUs (80/60)


Tuesday 03.04.14

Dougie Fresh
Paleo Results!
1. Paige Bales - 400 pts. Winner of the Paleo Cook Off.
Prizes: One free month of unlimited CrossFit, a custom t-shirt, a copy of the amazing Paleo cook book, Well Fed 2, and her $20 buy-in fee returned.
2. Amy Streufert and Becky Holst - 400 pts. each. Runners Up in the Paleo Cook Off. 
Prizes: A custom t-shirt, $20 buy in returned, and for finishing with a perfect 400 points, 50% off their next month of CrossFit!
3. Ed Steinke. 360 points. Prizes: a custom t-shirt and his $20 buy-in returned. 
Most requested recipes from the cook off:

Carrot Banana Muffins (from PaleoPlan App) 
2 cups almond flour 
2 tsp baking soda 
1 tsp sea salt 
1 Tbsp cinnamon 
1 cup dates, pitted 
3 ripe bananas 
3 eggs 
1 tsp apple cider vinegar 
1/4 cup coconut oil, melted 
1 1/2 cups carrots, shredded 
3/4 cup walnuts 
muffin paper liners 

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. 
2. In a large bowl, combine flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon. 
3. In a food processor/blender, combine dates, bananas, eggs, vinegar and oil. 
4. Add mixture from food processor to dry mixture in the large bowl and combine thoroughly. 
5. Fold in carrots and nuts. 
6. Spoon mixture into paper lined muffin tins. (filled to the top) 
7. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. 
8. Enjoy!
Carrot Cake Bites 
2 medium carrots, peeled and roughly chopped (about ¾ cup) 
½ cup raw walnuts 
¼ cup raw cashews 
¾ cup dates, pitted and roughly chopped (about 5-6 large dates) 
1 tsp ginger 
½ tsp cinnamon 
Sesame seeds for rolling (about ¼ cup) 

1. Finely grind carrots in food processor. Remove and set aside. 
1. Finely grind walnuts and cashews in food processor. Add dates. Process until finely ground and incorporated into the nuts. 
2. Add the ginger, cinnamon, and carrots. Process until dough forms. 
3. Shape into 12-15 small balls. 
4. Roll in sesame seeds and refrigerate until ready to eat. 
Curry Chicken with Apple 
2 T coconut oil 
1 yellow onion, diced 
1 large apple, peeled, cored and diced 
1 (16 oz) can diced tomatoes 
1 cup chicken broth 
1 tsp lemon juice 
1 T curry powder 
1 lb boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cooked and chopped 

1. Heat oil in large frying pan over med-high heat. Add onion and cook until slightly softened, about 3-5 minutes. 
2. Add apple, tomatoes (including juice), broth, lemon juice and curry powder. Simmer uncovered 35 minutes. 
3. Add chicken and heat through, about 5 minutes.

1 RM front squat, then
3 Rounds
5 front squat (@75% 1RM)
500 doubleunders
EMOTM perform 5 overhead lunges with your jump rope


Monday 03.03.14

Though she be but little, she is FIERCE!
Meet Our March Warrior of the Month
Lisa Orndorff

Why did you start CrossFit? 
I’ve always enjoyed working out but was needing a new challenge. I had heard about it before but was unsure what it was exactly. I tried out the free week and I remember Sarah asking me if that was all I was going to lift while we were maxing out on a push press. I surprised myself by almost throwing a hundred pounds above my head. I joined it because I realized with CrossFit I was stronger than I thought.

Favorite Exercise? 
Deadlifts, box jumps and plank. Oh whoops! That’s 3!

Least Favorite? 
No least favorite. I love it all. [Editor's note: Girl, you cray cray. I could name a few hated movements!]

Athletic goals in the next year (CrossFit or otherwise)? 
Get a muscle up and a handstand walk. Also perfect my pistols and handstand push ups.

Advice for newbies?
Sometimes it’s what your doing after class not just in class. I stay after as much as I can just to work on a few movements. You're not limited to 1 hour.

Favorite Pandora Station? 
Sum 41

Lastly and most importantly, why do you sweat so much?
Sweat? I glisten :)

5 Rounds
5 deadlift (increase weight each round, last 3 rounds at 75-80% 1 RM)
5 strict pullups
50 power snatches (95/65)
50 KB swings (53/35)
EMOTM perform 3 HSPUs

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